Having stated my intention to adopt better working habits in my last post, I am writing to update you on progress
In spite of a new year that has so far involved the collapse and rebuild of my kitchen ceiling (owing to a slow leak that we were unaware of when we moved in last August), an unexpected lodger, illness and snow, writing has been going well. I have, by and large, managed to recoup the time lost by all of the aforementioned by avoiding social networking sites (at least during the day) and getting up earlier.
So far so good! I have also taken on a number of exciting new projects recently. The first is setting up a writing group for my local WI (WoSWI) which I hope will eventually help get me back on track with my novel. I have been a member of a reading group for some years but have missed the support and encouragement that being a part of a writing circle can bring and I am really looking forward to it.
I'll let you know how it goes.
On the work front, I have been commissioned to compile part of a series of quiz eBooks about popular musical artists and the first The McFly Quiz Book is now available from Amazon kindle store.
I have also penned a couple of short stories which, ever the optimist; I might just enter into a competition or possibly even publish on my blog. Now there’s a thought …x