Friday, 21 January 2011

The art of distraction

One thing has become abundantly clear to me this week as I have set about starting this huge task I have set myself, and that is how good I am at avoidance techniques.

It is strange how appealing the washing up, ironing, even cleaning the toilet, have become when faced with sitting down at the computer and writing. The aforementioned are all tasks that I usually loathe and put off at all costs but when faced with a blank computer page, they suddenly seemed far more attractive.

However, I am pleased to report that I have not been completely wasting my time whilst indulging(!) in household chores. All the time I was scrubbing and mopping, I was also plotting and scheming as gradually, characters started to form in my mind. So much so, that I feel as if I already know my heroine as well as myself, in fact she be my new best friend (just as well, perhaps, given the amount of time we are going to be spending together).

By the time, I did get down to sitting at my desk, I pretty much knew, not only who my characters were, but what is going to happen to them (that’s not to say that they won’t be taken in a completely different direction at a later stage, but that surely is the fun of it, it’s a mystery to me and them).

I have a title and an outline of my novel. I have also sketched out the characters and written a list of proposed chapters, scenes and events I am planning to include. It doesn’t feel like huge progress but it is a start.

Next week will be challenging as I have several articles to research and write as well as ferrying the children around in what promises to be, an impossibly busy few days. However, I am looking forward to building on these foundations and actually start the process of writing chapter 1.

Now where did I put that duster and polish?


  1. Good for you Kim, I am looking forward to following you progress. Actually, your comments about the process of writing making household chores more appealing has made me wonder whether I should join you. Not because I think I would be good at writing, but anything that makes chores less dreadfull must be worth a thought!! xx

  2. Well done Kim, you have taken the first step.
    If you need any more ironing to inspire you, I have plenty here that you are welcome to come and get your teeth into.

  3. Thanks for your comments ladies. I am beginning to enjoy watching my novel grow almost as much as having a clean house!
